HomeNDA-NA Mathematics, English & GK - National Defence Academy / Naval Academy Yearwise (2017- 2023) 12 Solved Papers (Set Of 3 Books) - Oswaal
NDA-NA Mathematics, English & GK - National Defence Academy / Naval Academy Yearwise (2017- 2023) 12 Solved Papers (Set Of 3 Books) - Oswaal

NDA-NA Mathematics, English & GK - National Defence Academy / Naval Academy Yearwise (2017- 2023) 12 Solved Papers (Set Of 3 Books) - Oswaal

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Product Description

Publisher – Oswaal Books & Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Subject – Mathematics, English, G.K.

Edition  2024

Language – English

Binding – Paperback

ISBN – 9789357282239

Country of Origin – India

Generic Name – Book

It appears you're referring to a set of study materials for the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) exams, specifically for the years 2017 to 2023, which are intended for the 2023-24 exam cycle. This set of books, titled "Oswaal NDA-NA National Defence Academy / Naval Academy Yearwise (2017-2023) 12 Solved Papers Mathematics, English & GK (Set Of 3 Books) (For 2023-24 Exam)," seems to provide a collection of solved papers for different subjects, including Mathematics, English, and General Knowledge, which are part of the NDA and NA entrance exams.

Here's how you can make the most of this resource:

  1. Subject Coverage: Since the NDA/NA exams cover multiple subjects, the set of books covers Mathematics, English, and General Knowledge. Focus on each subject and allocate time accordingly.
  2. Solved Papers: The solved papers from previous years provide insight into the types of questions that have been asked in the exams. Use these papers to get familiar with the question patterns and difficulty levels.
  3. Time Management: As you practice, pay attention to the time you're spending on each question. NDA/NA exams are time-bound, so practicing time management is crucial.
  4. Understanding Solutions: After attempting questions, review the provided solutions to understand the correct approach and reasoning. This helps improve your problem-solving skills.
  5. General Knowledge: For the General Knowledge section, stay updated with current affairs and general knowledge topics. This can be done by reading newspapers, magazines, and other relevant resources.
  6. Regular Practice: Consistent practice is key to success. Regularly work on problems and gradually increase the level of difficulty as you become more confident.
  7. Mock Tests: In addition to solving individual papers, consider taking full-length mock tests to simulate the actual exam environment.
  8. Concept Clarity: While solving papers is important, make sure you also have a solid understanding of the underlying concepts in each subject.

Remember that while these solved papers provide valuable practice, a comprehensive study plan should also involve thorough understanding of concepts, focused practice, and self-assessment. Good luck with your NDA/NA exam preparation!

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